The fastest way to get results is to hire an expert to fast track you to success.
Echha Joshi has a wide range to offer whether it’s disease management through nutrition or recentring yourself with yoga.
The fastest way to get results is to hire an expert to fast track you to success.
Echha Joshi has a wide range to offer whether it’s disease management through nutrition or recentring yourself with yoga.
Meet me in a virtual room for a one-to-one 60 minute consultation. Together, we will investigate your case history, medications, current diet and lifestyles contributing to your ailments. You can expect to gain a deeper understanding of your body’s nutritional requirements and learn ways to fulfill your health goals.
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Since the last few years, I have been following Echha Joshi’s methods. As an old man with Diabetes and Hypertension, I used to need a lot of medicines but with Echha's education and guidance, the dozes reduced and eventually stopped. In the last few years, I have lost around 25 Kgs, Hypertension has more or less diminished, diabetes is controlled and I can enjoy my life now. I proudly claim that unless surgery is advised, the simple exercises, nutrition, organic supplements, and Yoga techniques advised by Echha Joshi will help you in restoring your desire to live and enjoy your life!
I have had hyperthyroidism for the past 8 years. My thyroid level took almost 2 years to come to the acceptable range from a massive TSH level of 29 since the initial diagnosis with a maximum dose of 137.5 mg per day. I started experiencing leg pain with loss of fat in my thighs and legs. It was so extreme that even in the summer I could not lie down under the fan with my leg uncovered. I had to cover my legs or they would start paining. This went on for 8 years. I started Mrs.Joshi's nutrition therapy on 22nd May and within 10 days but my leg pain reduced by 80%. Now I wear shorts in summers and can feel the cool air on my legs without the heat of the blanket. Thanks, Mrs.J oshi for the extraordinary change in my life. I feel better, have higher energy levels, and feel like a newly energized person.
I came across her through Facebook. I am a 33-year-old woman, suffering from hypothyroid for the last 7 years and a lot of weight issues. I have been under-number of Endocrinologists as well as tried homeopathy but of no use. She assured me that it can be cured and I can lead a disease-free life. I started with the diet and exercise as suggested by her and within a month my thyroid levels were absolutely normal and I could actually give up medication and live a disease-free life!!!! I gradually showed noticeable inches loss. I can't thank her enough for making this possible. I love the healthier version of myself and I highly recommend her.
It is not often that you find someone with such profound knowledge of cause, effects, and remedies. Echha not only cures ailments naturally but also focuses on you having a healthy lifestyle. Be it her immunity-boosting ideas during Covid-19, nutrition for kids, energy-boosting ideas, anxiety, and stress management, (to name a few), all are so comprehensive. What’s more important is that most of the ingredients for treatment come directly from our kitchen.
Before meeting Echcha, I was in no-man's land. Didn't know how to fight my depression and mood swings which arose due to previous episodes in my life and my health issues. But Echha presented such a positive outlook and convinced me to believe in myself and in yoga. It's been six months now, and my medications have almost stopped except for occasional episodes of depression which earlier were co-existent on a daily basis. I thank her for her sincere efforts and dedication not just towards me but towards all her clients.
I was a student when I was told I had PCOS, with my schedule of studies and lifestyle choices, I had a tough time working out or even eating three meals regularly. Then I met Echha and she made me understand the power of eating the right kind of food to manage my pcos. I started seeing positive changes in my body early on in my journey and it gave me immense hope. I lost weight, my acne problem subsided, my periods became regular and I started feeling a lot more energetic. Not only was her guidance effective but her support was there round the clock. I think more than anything her genuine care can heal the mindset of most people.
I've been a breast cancer patient (stage IV) and undergoing chemo-therapies for more than 1 year now. Illness was getting multifold, I had a lot of pain and discomfort in my body, my energy levels were low, I couldn't sleep at all and my blood sugar was quite high as well. Finally, I began my healing journey with Echha ma’am and implemented changes in my diet and my overall lifestyle. I started keeping healthy, my chemo sessions went smoothly, my blood sugar was back to normal which was a very blissful change. I could feel the pain vanishing away from my body and I regained my strength. The fight with cancer hasn’t been easy but Echha ma’am made me feel like myself again, I was happier and livelier. Ma'am would regularly keep a check on mom via phone calls/ messages. This cannot be described in just a few lines. The changes and support we got is a true blessing.
I met EJ through a mutual friend as I had trouble conceiving. I was considering IVF but before that I wanted to give it one last shot. To my surprise, we were able to achieve our health goal within 45 days. I conceived naturally and I'm in the 2nd trimester now. My pregnancy has been smooth so far with no hiccups and I've never felt healthier. Her strict yet flexible meal plans along with focus on yoga and breathing exercises were so helpful in creating the strength and positivity within me like never before. I'm truly grateful to have her with me in this journey. Love you immensely Ej!
A dedicated and professional nutritionist who made my life a lot more comfortable and easier. The lifestyle diseases are dangerous and unforgiving for all those who tend to lose preference for self. Simple changes in daily routine and dietary habits helped me reduce my weight, cholesterol and other toxins at the same time elevating mental health, energy levels and happiness. Professional guidance under echha Joshi is recommended for everyone who is looking forward to a fruitful and healthy life ahead.
My body has been indicating a lot of inappropriate functioning that I had been ignoring for years. Heavy bleeding, anxiety, mood swings, weakness were early signs that were dismissed consistently. In 2018, amidst our preparations of moving abroad, I just went for a random check-up to a gynecologist to get my issue of heavy bleeding addressed. It was found that I had multiple fibroids and my hemoglobin was bare minimum. To cut a long story short, the fibroids were uselessly treated for 2.5 yrs in India and abroad, and my condition just got worse. I was given a million pills to pop and I was told to get on with my life. The blow was struck in the first week of October, 2021 when I started losing my hair. My mane was shedding day by day and by the 1st week of November, I could see my scalp beneath a thin layer of few light, thin locks. I could see a balding head and subsequently, a drooping face. I was depressed, traumatized, shattered. My run from pillar to post never seemed to end as I have seen the so-called best of dermatologists, gynecologists, Ayurvedic doctors and tried every possible home/google remedy to stop my hair from falling. I met with Echha Joshi through my husband and I still remember, it was the evening of Jan 6th, 2021 when I had my first consultation. She prescribed for the tests that were never performed on me in my 2.5 yrs of treatment by ‘experts’. After studying my test reports, Echha explained to me the root cause of my problem. My body was inflamed and my stress hormones were terribly high. These were completely new terms to me and no doctor, whosoever, bothered to touch upon these aspects. With utmost patience and dedication, Echha explained to me the relevant terms and their implications. Over the next 45 days, She worked closely with me and the results were exceptional. My mood improved and now it's rare that I have mood swings. My periods last for 4 days, as opposed to lasting 6 days earlier and the heavy bleeding and pain also subsided. My skin looks more radiant than before. I feel more energetic and can manage my daily chores in time. I had bloating and gastric issues earlier. I felt heavy on the lower abdomen. This improved significantly too. I lost a significant amount of weight through just eating the right food. The most vital result of this 1.5-month journey is that I have started to get my hair back. I don’t think I can ever elaborate on how immensely happy I feel when I see the new hair on my head! I am all the more excited to continue this journey with Ms Echha Joshi. She is the one to introduce me to the wonders of food and eating habits. Not only has she worked upon my nutrition, but every meeting and phone call with her has enlightened and motivated me towards a healthier self. Thank you, Echha, for making me feel good about myself. I couldn’t have got a better mentor than you!
Hello ! I am a 41 year old guy residing in Delhi ,engaged in Catering and Reality Business. Two years back I started having health issues, mental stress ,Fatigue and lost interest in outdoor activities. This gave rise to different mood swings ,Irritative nature ,lack of focus and unwillingness to work. I was diagnosed with Diabetes and started the medication after consulting a Doctor . After 15-20 days I realised there is hardly any relief and the problem is much more than what I am thinking. I was Referred to Eecha Madam through my Brother. She agreed to take my Case and asked to get few tests done & started having daily discussions, engaged me in interactive activities, questionnaires , medical tests to understand and Root Cause the real problem . My eating and living lifestyle was just opposite of an Ideal one. She made me understand the functioning & importance of Vital Organs and how one effects the other and the need to have balance of such Vitals. How we can restore and repair our organs by taking proper food, supplements , Yoga all in a Holistic way. She made me understand the real meaning of Nutrition & its Importance in our lives and food items which we should avoid or completely to be taken off from our lives. Initially, I was apprehensive in following it and avoiding food items I have been eating all my life . She made me do Yoga which I didn't like initially and encouraged my family members also to do . I learnt the basic Yoga like Breathing excercise, Inhaling exhaling techniques, Lungs excercise , stretching excercise,Body balance meditation ,Surya Namaskar to name a few. After adhering with what Madam Taught, Trained and advised me along with 1 hour of Yoga 6 days in a week . The Vitals of Sugar , BP & Cholesterol came down to normal . Now I feel energetic and engage in outdoor and physical activities . She has made me aware about things essential to do and adapting to a good lifestyle for myself and family. I am really thankful to Eecha Madam for transforming my health and life Holistically. Thank You.
I am a 55 year old and suffer from lifestyle diseases since 1999. I could watch losing the golden period of my life to these "sicknesses" (along with the pains, aches, sleepless nights et al), and at one point of time,I had little option but to leave my teaching job (which I thoroughly enjoyed) and be a good old housewife. In Sep' 22, I was dignosed with a fatty liver. The doctor informed me that this could be onset of liver cirrhosis but is curable through strict dietary restrictions and weight loss ( of at least 5-6 kilos). I also came to know that there is very little that a medicine could do in cases of liver diseases.The gastro specialist emphasised weight loss but could not advise as to how to proceed further in this regard. I was taken aback by this sudden revelation as I was continuing with a regulated lifestyle all these years (complete with dietary restrictions and following them to 80-90%) with complete and non stop medication as per my endocrinologist's advice. All this was a blow to my confidence and I was extremely anxious and worried for many days. I kept searching, surfing and talking to friends/relative (including my doctor sister) for a right solution. I now realise that I was lucky to find Echcha Joshi through a close friend. I could start noticing changes in my overall health within a few weeks of diet therapy (MNT). It was hard to believe that a few changes in my food habits ( no dieting or separate medicine) would benefit me so much. Results of the MNT were visible in the form of remarkably less hair fall, improved skin quality with no dryness, improved bowel movement and bladder holding capacity, no cervicle related pains. The medical reports too were comforting ( HBA1C down to 5.8 from 7.0, Thyroid / LFT near normal ). I am now able to do 45 minute walk almost regulary. The journey of these four months under her care was a painfree ( and painkiller free) one and is nothing short of miracle for me. She keeps in touch almost everyday to guide what and when to eat. No words can express my gratitude for her. I have started calling her a super se upar doctor. Her extra ordinary knowledge and guidance has changed my life. I feel more energetic and confident now, both at physical as well as mental levels. Further, I have found in her a very beautiful friend for a lifetime to fall back upon for personal issues even. To sum up, both the experience and the person behind are truly amazing. Thanks for everything Echha & May God always be with you. Keep Guiding people like us who give up so easily
I want to thank Echha Joshi, for the exceptional and amazing services she provided in facing my nutritional and weight issues. After following my physician’s recommendations to be evaluated by a clinical nutritionist since my weight, blood pressure, and A1C levels were rising and getting out of control I was given Echha joshi’s information which she was highly recommended. I must say I was very reluctant in making the appointment, being in the health field I thought I knew everything I needed to know about loosing the weight, I just need to focus, eat lots of salads, limited carbs, little sugars, and lots of exercise! Simple! I must admit I almost turned around a few times, but amazingly I made it to the appointment. I can say it was and it still is one of the best decisions I had made in my life!Today I can say I am more conscious about what I eat and drink, not depriving myself of the foods I enjoyed eating. I am very happy to report that my blood pressure, and my A1C levels hav decreased to a manageable level, my weight has been decreasing slowly but steadily, having lost approximately 10 kg in a less than a year and a half. There have been easy days and a few hard days, but even on a hard day, Intuitive eating is easier than a hard day “dieting”. Well, leaving the best for last, let me tell you about Echha, she is an amazing professional, super skilled in her profession, she is very supportive, down to earth, has the patience of an angel, very warm, empathetic,creative, compassionate, inspiring, excellent listening skills, always made sure to have a kind word to say, very accessible either by text, e-mail or phone, Echha , has been amazing to me!